Utah Zero Fatalities Leadership Award 2016
The Alfred E. Johnson Achievement Award is given annually by AASHTO to the individual selected as rendering the most outstanding service in the field of engineering or management, which can cover both technical and administrative aspects. To be eligible for the award, the nominee must be an active employee of an AASHTO member department. The recipient must be in middle management, and have made an outstanding contribution to his/her department in engineering or management.
This award recognizes a member State that has demonstrated itself as a safety champion through actions designed to drive down serious injuries and fatalities. The nominee must demonstrate evidence of leadership showing that safety is a priority in their state. Also, the State CEO and/or Safety Champion is a recognized safety leader (in-state, national, or international); works cooperatively with state, local, and other safety stakeholders including, but not limited to, the formation of a state highway safety policy committee; have in place a Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) that includes aggressive safety targets; the development of strong partnerships at the state and local, level, with shared ownership of targets; processes for ensuring the SHSP is evaluated and updated as appropriate; active participation in/on AASHTO, TRB/NCHRP, or FHWA safety-related committees, panels, and/or programs; application of new and innovative safety programs, infrastructure or legislation to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes; and demonstrating a fatality and/or serious injury reduction trend (a favorable trend in the five year moving average of fatalities).
AASHTO President's Award for Highway Traffic Safety 2011 - Student Neighborhood Access Program (SNAP)
AASHTO President's Award for Highway Traffic Safety 2009 - Teen Driving Task Force
AASHTO President's Award for Highway Traffic Safety 2007 - UDOT Traffic and Safety Program
AASHTO Safety Leadership Award 2006
American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) John "Jake" Landen Memorial Safety Award - Public Sector 2011
Roadway Safety Foundation Operational Improvement Award 2007 - Student Neighborhood Access Program (SNAP)
Roadway Safety Foundation Operational Improvement Award 2005 - High Tensioned Cable Barrier
Utah Governor's Award for Excellence in Innovation and Efficiency 2010

Student Neighborhood Access Program (SNAP)
Zero Fatalities
Don't Drive Stupid
Managing Travel Demand European Scan Tour
Joint Task Force on the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) - Member
Land use and safety: an introduction to understanding how land use decisions impact safety of the transportation system
National Cooperative Highway Research Program
American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
Transportation Research Board
NCHRP 08-76 Institutionalizing Safety in Transportation Planning Processes: Techniques, Tactics and Strategies - Panel Chair
Standing Committee on Transportation Safety Management (ANB10) - Co-chair
World Road Association (PIARC)
NCHRP 17-51(04) Development of a National Strategy on Highway Safety: Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) Framework - Panel Chair
NCHRP 17-67 Identification of Factors Contributing to the Decline of Traffic Fatalities in the United States - Panel Chair
Managing Travel Demand: Applying European Perspectives to U.S. Practice (2006)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-08 Pedestrian Injuries and Fatalities Relative to Traffic Speed - Panel Member
This research is published as NCHRP Synthesis 535.
NCHRP 17-48 Development of a Strategic National Highway Infrastructure Safety Research Agenda - Panel Member
This research is published as NCHRP Report 756.
Standing Committee on Highway Safety Performance (ANB25) - Member
Committee on Safety* - Region 4 Representative
Committee on Safety* Task Group - Development and Implementation of the National Strategy on Highway Safety - Toward Zero Deaths Vision - Chair

Awards and Honors